Some resources I’ve created on my nursing journey to help stay organised.

Critical Care Handover/Activity sheet: One patient

I created this to capture notes and activity for a patient in a critical care environment.

It has space for patient demographic details (patient sticker can go in the top left), the reason for admission, previous medical history and various clinical details broken down into systems. It also has a area where I can jot down time based activities (change dressing/go for imaging) or capture info (temp/fluid output).

Creative Commons License
Critical Care Handover/Activity sheet by @SamIAmUK is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

A simple list of the top 100 (or so) medications.

[2018-04-12] medications v1.1

Task/todo sheet for bay of 7

_[2018-04-17] todo sheet style 4